The themed event DEAD MAN'S CHEST will be Aaron placed in a pirate chest on top of the bonfire, the chest will be locked and then chains will be slung around and again locked finally a healthy dowsing of petrol.
The bonfire will be set alight and then we wait and see if the Dark Magician can escape his fiery fate.
Studio Chaos is the sponsor for the show and the above painting by Tony Trowbridge will be used on clothing, banners etc.
Along with staff from Trauma Teds we will be building the platform that the chest must lay upon, a detailed plan from the Dark Magician of the chest and platform has arrived and must be followed to the letter, Aaron only has a short time to escape the inferno the last thing he wants is an unstable platform that allows the chest to collapse further into the inferno.
To make matters slightly more complicated Aaron Isted the dark magician is on tour of the USA and wont be back until early November so we cannot practice or make amendments, it's a one shot attempt. (Crossy fingers).
Studio Chaos is the umbrella Studio for the artists Tony Trowbridge, Veronica Grimm and the Graffiti Artist Major Tuat.
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