Thursday, 12 July 2007

Global warming: Demise of the Humans by Isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

With a slight headache Temperance awakes only to find herself on the menu.
Her brain functions spin into life, fear turns her mouth to furballs, she will endeavour to fight to the end, ready, waiting for the final strike.
How did it get to this?
For the past 20000yrs the planet has been unfolding itself from an ice age, this period has been called inter glacial because people were unsure if it was truly going to be the end of the ice scurge or not.
We are a success of this ice age other critters fared less so!
As the planet warmed the other critters grew in ascendancy as we declined.
Acrylic on box canvas 14inches x 14inches

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