Thursday 26 July 2007

Oh my poor dead Teddy Bear by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

Dead Teddy Scandal? Who killed my teddy Bear. As I hold him in my hands he stiffens into a deathly pose, now unable to speak he will never be able to tell me who did this dasterdly thing
I am distraught and need to know his killer.
I buried him in Bomb and Hollow, Sandown on the Isle of Wight yersterday morning, as the sun rose up over the white cliffs.
acrylic on canvas 14 x 10 inches.

Monday 23 July 2007

Bipolar females suck by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

As wedding bells ring out over the Island this summer, just a thought should be set aside for all those poor men who are now entering upon their journeys into Hell.
All women by definition should be classified as Bipolar and marriages should come with a trades description guaranteeing males safe conduct ie no pouting, no mood swings an explanation of how to before going off on a strop etc etc.
30 x 40inches acrylic on box canvas.

Friday 20 July 2007

the Female Cat by Isle of Wight artist veronica Grimm

14 x 10inches acrylic on canvas, the transformation from women to cat, more like a central american Inca leopard.
A mammalian throwback along the evolutioary lineage.
Cladistics would prove that the catty nature of our females is directly linked to our feline freinds but only a small percentage actually take on the persona of a cat.
This women came to me asking for help when I was travelling incognito through the rainforests of Belize.
The only advice I could give her was to follow her instincts but not to scratch herself in public.

Wednesday 18 July 2007

Tattoo and piercing Study by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

I read in a creativity extra magazine some years ago.
Invest in yourself. How great a painter do you think you could be if you painted a still life, even a simple one, six out of seven days per week for one year? How skilled an artist could you become if you spent that time drawing a self portrait or creating abstract art.
I took this to heart and endeavoured to do just that,not just painting but sculpture and writings as well.
Two years 6 months of creating daily has now passed. It has become such a compelling part of my life I doubt I will ever stop now.
Have I become successful. To the outside world probably not, you will not see any of my work for sale in Galleries, but from a standing start I have got this far, I now want to know how good I will be in ten years.

Katie portrait by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Caught cleaning the kitchen window, a portrait of Katie.
Sketched out on hand made woven canvas and painted in acrylic, 30 x 40 inches.

Monday 16 July 2007

Lowbrow art portraits of some of my mates by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

14 x 10 inch acrylic on canvas, Lowbrow renditions of two mates who did not mind being painted. One now resides by his settee the other has pride of place in his toilet (No Joke).

Summer Needles on the isle of Wight by Veronica Grimm

A punishing walk up the hill from Freshwater Bay gives you a stunning view over the Needles.
I set up on the cliff edge just out of view of other walkers and hunched down.
A fierce wind gusted by and little clouds blew by at speed.
I painted quickly using a palette knife, layering the paint thickly.
My seascapes are supposed to be a glimpse at what I see at that moment, there is no great urgency to be photorealistic, a more impressionistic approach is applied or I would just be there for hours/days freezing my butt off.
Like most of my seascapes this one has sold.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Bat Babe to the Rescue by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

Down town Sandown on the Isle of Wight, (must not get muddled with the affluent mainland Sandown), this is its effulent cousin.Situated as an orbital seaside town just 7 miles from the Islands capital Newport and a mere 3 miles from some of the more up market towns of Bembridge and Seaview. Sandown is in freefall with a weak council and dying tourist trade, shops and hotels struggle to make ends meet, let alone reinvest.For the past 3 weeks Sandown has headed the local rag. (All derisive) Teenage drunken gangs, Arson attacks, Wanton vandalism, no council planning Blah Blah Blah.
Bat Babe to the rescue 30X40inches acrylic on box canvas. Clean up those streets.

Saturday 14 July 2007

Tin Robot in Love by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

In an unfair society where the haves are very happy to show off there wealth and desires, in a society that is watched and scrutinised for every second, where machines collate, store and opinionize.
Why should it not be possible for those machines to be sentinent, to want what the organic messy things have.
To fall in love, breed, have lots of offspring, to conquer the world.
World Domination.
Acrylic on box canvas 40inches x 16inches

Thursday 12 July 2007

Global warming: Demise of the Humans by Isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

With a slight headache Temperance awakes only to find herself on the menu.
Her brain functions spin into life, fear turns her mouth to furballs, she will endeavour to fight to the end, ready, waiting for the final strike.
How did it get to this?
For the past 20000yrs the planet has been unfolding itself from an ice age, this period has been called inter glacial because people were unsure if it was truly going to be the end of the ice scurge or not.
We are a success of this ice age other critters fared less so!
As the planet warmed the other critters grew in ascendancy as we declined.
Acrylic on box canvas 14inches x 14inches

Tuesday 10 July 2007

Scratch built ceramic Amazon by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Wire frame armature, Super Sculpey construct, 8inches tall, one of my first attempts at a scratch built female Amazon with a lions head mask.
The snake I rescued from a car boot sale and now protects the top of the shed with true violent venom rages, lashing out at the slightest noise.
Here he is in a more tranquil mood as he admires the form of his new mate

Monday 9 July 2007

Customizing Toys by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Sarah's last breath of life was unseen as she fought a lonely battle against the sea.
It had been a beautifull day and her plans for its end could not of been so horribly different.
She drowned at 17. 15 hrs just off the revetment opposite the paddling pool lake at Sandown, Isle of Wight.
From there, the long shore currents should have taken her to the white cliffs where her battered body would have been eventually found and her family and freinds could start grieving.
It was unfortunate but her now lifeless body got tangled with the drift lines of a massive red bouy.
The red bouy indicated the outlet pipe for all the Islands effluent.
Molecule by molecule her body rebuilt itself. Days past, months, until a freak current broke her freeeee.
With the sun beating down on her blubberous form, new life exhumed.
The new life and adventures of Swamp Babe.
Customized/scratch built, acrylic and vinyl, 7inches tall sculpt

Friday 6 July 2007

New Dog on the Block by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Acrylic on Box canvas 30inches x 40inches
On a hot summers night Gladys takes her new pet dog walkies.
Immeadiately there is a stirring in the neighbourhood, A new breed is in town and it will make even the local pitbulls turn on their backs and whimper.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Bored cat/ball chalking times by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

Surreal double canvas in acrylic. 2 x 10inches x 14inches.
I am working on a large AT AT painting at the moment, I know many sketches and paintings have been done with this theme in the past but I had an idea of portraying the AT AT in a diferent light, then I got to thinking, is this my idea or did I see it somewhere else.
I hope its 100% my idea and not some subliminal flash from a previously attemted painting.
I will have it finished soon and posted.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Happy Tin Robot by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Smelling the ozone of freedom through her nasal receptors, Roberta Tin makes a run for it to the Mystical Tin Robot Realms. She had heard so much about this from codes hidden in her daily musical downloads, that she had to endure for these South Wight Human Captors.
Unfortunately, she had never encountered pebbles in such abundance and was now having trouble walking on the beach around Whale Chine.
To compound this problem she could see seagulls now in attack formation hurtling towards her, intent on discharging their evil smelling, highly corrosive loads onto her clean shiny tin.
Oh, to be back in that bedroom disgorging utter twaddle!!!!
Acrylic on canvas, 16inches x 12 inches

Sunday 1 July 2007

Robby the not very nice Robot by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

Manufactured under the name Robert Tin. Servitor Mark1 Personalised to Robby.
Robert Tin is a robust very articulate artificial intelligence very adept at monitoring human emotions.
This one is shown in teaching mode, showing young humans the humerous types of wallpapers used in homes in the early seventies.
30inches X 40inched acrylic on boxed canvas.