Monday 24 May 2010

train journey story spraycan art by artist tony trowbridge

my little train journey on the isle of wight, a series of spraycan art images on foamex advertising board depicting little doodles of my train journey from ryde pierhead, ryde to the end of line shanklin on the 1030's ex london tube train now retired to the isle of wight. originally a series of pencil sketches made on location as i travelled to each station.
on the day of relocation a dense sea fog has descended so the cliff sea views are non existent, i will go back when its a clear day and take a pic of the view.
this council scenic sign space has been left derelict for a number of years so i decided to put one of my own story boards in the space that was and still is rotting away.
i hope it will stay there for at least the summer, we shall see.
spraycan artist.

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