Thursday, 25 March 2010

pom pom spraycan art by artist tony trowbridge

Pom Pom was before virus infection a heavilly overweight glutton, social benefit cheat, single mother coping badly on a northern england council estate. (bradford), largely ignored by her peers and neighbours, jeered by the adolescent scum that marauded around the mean streets at night... she was a depressed, uneducated weight on society....
destined to become a screamer.. the AI nanite virus awakened a deep seated well hidden natural intelligence, a cunning evolved... useless now unwanted fats dropped off her, an ugly facade mutated into the perfect human female form, neurotransmitters fired up across to long dormant brain cells, synapses blinked into life, new passageways probed and punched there way through dense brain matter....... Pom Pom became sentinent and oh so homicidal....
spraycan art on box canvas 50x50cm.

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