Sunday 18 October 2009

nude with seagull spaycan art by artist tony trowbridge

50x31inches on box canvas spraycan art produced from life pencil sketch's. i wanted to capture that area of water passing over the sand in the shallows.

spraycan art art drop by artist tony trowbridge

successfull art drop of a nude mermaid,( freestyle) at newport quay on the 16th october, left spraycanned bouy in plain sight if it survives a week it may become a permanent art feature. crossy fingers!!!!

concorde spraycan art by artist tony trowbridge

17x30inches spraycan art on plastic sheeting. concorde.

Friday 16 October 2009

Wednesday 14 October 2009

failed art drop by artist tony trowbridge

spraycanned bouy left in slipway Ryde Harbour 14 October 2009. As i took the pic it slipped off and plummeted into the harbour as i tried to retrieve it i now lost my camera case between the rocks making up the sea wall defence.
i was perplexed, so much bad luck, oh but wait its not over yet in the distance i can see the harbourmaster riding his bike towards me.( you would think they would have a little boat car),
i raise my hands up and explained i am doing a photo shoot thats all gone wrong i point to my lost bouy and none reachable camera case, the harbourmaster goes off and gets a pole for dragging out dead bodies and retrieves both items for me, he looks a bit confused but goes on his way. i go home bouy slumped over my bowed shoulders.
Not every art drop is successful now all i have to do is find another location to leave my spraycanned bouy.
i prefer to leave my art where it is mistook for actually meant to be their, it stays up longer sometimes for months, no one else recognises it to be out of character with its surroundings.
See if i am successful next time.

you cannot ignore chaos by refusing to look at it by artist tony trowbridge

36x24inches spraycan art on box canvas, these i enjoy doing, plenty of freestyle spraying and weird images built up with templating from my pencil sketches.
this one is based on chaos and our need to avert our attention when it is in the ascendancy.

acoustic guitar custom by artist tony trowbridge

acoustic guitar custom spraycan art. this guitar was given to me to play with, i thought a london bus was quite an iconic image.

concorde by artist tony trowbridge

24x36inches spraycan art on slim line plastic board.

Monday 12 October 2009

acoustic guitar custom by artist tony trowbridge

acoustic guitar custom for musician mark le bone, spraycan art. naked women lapping up the suns rays.

wet and wild by artist tony trowbridge

36x25inches spraycan art on some sort of advertising board it's white several cm thick and very good to spray on, i found a large piece thrown onto a building plot at sandown, must find more!!!!!
life study in pencil sketch.

swimming by artist tony trowbridge

spaycan art on canvas 20x20inches.

seagulls in the rain by artist tony trowbridge

12x10inch spraycan art on canvas. from life pencil sketch.

Thursday 8 October 2009

Wednesday 7 October 2009

custom electric guitar spray canned by artist tony trowbridge

custom jobby, scooter spraycanned on to electric guitar for mark le bone musician.

Tuesday 6 October 2009

mirror image by artist tony trowbridge

14x10inches on canvas spraycan art part freestyle part templating.

egret at sandown boating lake by artist tony trowbridge

16x12inch spraycan art on canvas, egret feeding in the dropping waters of the boat lake.

ryde napoleonic fort by artist tony trowbridge

30x40inches spraycan art freestyle on canvas from life pencil sketch.

Saturday 3 October 2009

cairns australia by artist tony trowbridge

armed with a throw away underwater camera we spent hours diving off a trampoline type net structure on the reef, as an aside we watched a large turtle on the seafloor he/she got a bit angry but just sat on the bottom and rose lazilly to the surface now and then for a gulp of air.
spraycan art on canvas 24x36inches painted from a montage of badly taken action pictures.

Friday 2 October 2009

life study by artist tony trowbridge

An original life study in pencil, there was no acting here it was cold, although i did not actually test the seawater myself. Final painting rendered in spraycan freestyle and template work.
Fiona has decided it is now tooo late in the year to do any more outside posing, sun or no sun.
painted on canvas 24x36inches.

untitled spraycan art by artist tony trowbridge

spraycan on self stretched canvas 20x20inches, freestyle and templating,