Tuesday, 10 February 2009

beach buoy painting by artist tony trowbridge

Sandown beach, a wicked storm ripped across the bay, high tides and driving rain battered the cliff's.
It's about a mile from the carpark to the chalk white cliff's, in geological time around 20million years. Not far from the carpark you have the dinosaur bearing clays around 120 million yrs old from there you go back in time to when the white chalk was being formed in a shallow sea some 100 million years ago, i tell you this because on this day it felt like 20 million years as i toiled against the driving sea surges, crumbling cliffs and horizontal driving rain in search primarily for dinosaur fossils but ammonites and fish fossils would also suffice.
When big storms hit the island the shipping heading into portsmouth and southampton tend to shelter in the bay, flot-som accumulates on the beach.
On this day around three days ago some big buoys got grounded.
Here is one i have spray painted with a sandown mermaid. Approx 30 inches tall.

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