Friday 7 December 2007

Puck the merciless by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

As the ozone layer splits apart ,high intencity radiations start ploughing through the gaps, puck the merciless looks down tears of joy rolling down her hermitically sealed face.
She can see all her dreams coming to fruition.
30 x 40 inches acrylic on box canvas.

Sunday 2 December 2007

Grimms Nightmare world by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Little missy evil watches over another tortured teddy, its spirit ascending to a higher plain , previous tortured critters await its arrival.
24 x 36 inches acrylic on canvas

Tuesday 20 November 2007

sad Tin Robot by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Swinging lonely as a cloud, Sad Tin waits forlornly for a mate.
Acrylic and spray paint on monet print found in skip.
24 x 30inches

Thursday 15 November 2007

Grimms tortured critters by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

winding on a downwards arc the gloom momentarily sparkles with dust motes reflecting yellow incandecence, ignored warning signs hamper your progress.
To your front tortured critters dangle, out of the dark you make out eyeball snatcher birdies ripping the life-wool from a critter.
What do you do?
30inches x 18inches acrylic on board in driftwood surround.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Eyeball bird makes off with lunch by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

In the caverns of Little missy evil dwells the eyeball birdie, a fast precocious light, nimble footed, scavenger, predator, always on the look out for a free meal.
Tonight is his lucky night, whilst skirting around a bend in the tunnel complex he meets a tortured critter and promply nicks an eyeball.
Acrylic on driftwood approx 24 x 18inches

Stalking Cat by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

stalking cat gives away its position and makes desperate sprint at prey bird.
The little eyeball bird makes its get away chirping and chattering anti cat insults as it easilly evades capture.
10 x 14 inches acrylic on canvas.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Sad Robot, No hope for Freedom by Isle of Wight Artist veronica Grimm

Little missy evil at the controls of her Sad Robot, each lever controls key areas of Sads pseudobiological brain network.
Instant commands, preprogrammed responses and neuralogical electro-chemical shock treatments keep Sad in check.
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 inches

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Tuesday 6 November 2007

global warming nightmare 30 seconds to go by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Little Missy Evil's Evil Plan.
"Ozone layer impact time 30 seconds".
"Oh the future is going to be so hot and fragrant ".purrs little missy evil.
With the O2 and O3 molecules forever breaking up and re forming, the ozone layer is in continuous flux.
Little missy evil's evil plan is to disrupt this harmony once and for all and spiral the planet into a true global warming nightmare.
Her aerosol attack cans fire into the atmosphere, their bodies bloated, their ninja general interfaces trembling with anticipation!!!!!
Sculpts and paintings mixed media, acrylic paint, reclaimed beach woods and used cans.

Monday 5 November 2007

Little missy evils evil plan by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Little missy evil and sad robot make their way across their domain surrounded by there faithfull Twirls and Stings, In blind panic Screamers and captured Plush's squirm for cover.
Little missy evil is about to hatch her evil plan and is making her way to the Aerosol can silo's.
Finished and awaiting her orders the Cans struggle with their restraints, trembling with anticipation, their payloads bloating their metal bodies!!!!!!
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 36inches

Friday 2 November 2007

Reclaimed teddy by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Along the far end of Sandown lies Culver Cliff around a mile and half from the pier,
It is at this location in the fallen rock debris that you can find 100 million year old ammonites, but because Sandown beach is also a storm beach, washed and caught up in the boulders you can find some interesting potential arty things!!!
On this day I found a bedraggled teddy bear and a seal bone, with a little ingenuity I put the two together and revamped the teddy. Then as you do I made a conceptual painting, 8 x 6 inches acrylic on canvas. Teddy approx 10 inches tall. again painted in acrylic.

Monday 29 October 2007

designer vinyl by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

I was up in Glasgow last week and whilst pervaying the city I designed these three hoodie types from sculpey.
After a few days shopping you tend or I tend to get very bored with that way of life and fashioned these in my spare time.
Approx 4inches high Urban Hoods

Monday 22 October 2007

Isle of wight radio kill all wasps by veronica grimm

Every year for as long as I can remember isle of wight radio without fail run a summer commentary on "Kill all Wasps" followed by "what use are wasps, kill them all".
Every year this riles me and then I switch to another channel for several months , last time I was away for nearly a year.
Why should people in positions of power with a population of devout followers put their own agendas on air.
I like wasps, they do a good job in the gardens keeping the bug population down.
Without lower order ! species, us supposedly higher order species could not suvive.
I managed to do a quike sketch of little sting as he tried to manoeuvere over a bacon butty, the shocked look on his face followed by puzzlement as I smiled and allowed him a morsal without gyrating around with a rolled up paper, screaming loudly.
He flew away happy!!!!!!
lowbrow art 10 x 14 inches acrylic on canvas.

Sunday 21 October 2007

Thursday 18 October 2007

All plush's must die by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

I am a four hundred year old female who has probably more life experience than you.
My perspective on things is bound to be just a tiny bit different from yours.
As a plush will you follow me, I would like to intrduce you to your maker.
Acrylic on canvas 14 x 10 inches.

Wednesday 17 October 2007

lowbrow pokemon spirit world by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Sucked from her brain her spirit makes the final journey up into the ether.
Death was something she had not entertained but the sudden demise of her carer (IE Grown up and no longer interested), she was left in the hands of human adults.
Now trash, squished in a dumpster her spirit rises to try and gain entry into heaven.
Without the human right of passage,her journey will be short and will fail , her spirit will become ozone and break up.!!!!'
Acrylic on canvas 16inch x 40inch

Monday 8 October 2007

Tin Robots little pet by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Tin robots pet 'stinky'. Lazy old mite has to be carried everywhere.
As the flies congregate old tin robots cogs hunt for the program 'clean stinky.'
They do not name him Lucky stinky for nothing!!!
Acrylic on canvas 16x 14inches.

Sunday 7 October 2007

Designing and crafting your own urban vinyl designer toy by veronica grimm pt3

Here is my prototype in its early form (front, back,side)
Once it was complete I smoothed the scupey using turps on a watercolour brush.
I then oven baked using instructions, the stink from the turps is high so keep well ventilated.

Designing and crafting your own urban vinyl designer toy by veronica grimm Pt 2

Using just two tools and super sculpey (polymer clay)
I started to mould my figure, at this stage I had a rough idea of what I wanted.
Approx 3 inch tall, relatively featureless features so painting would not be to hindered.
This time I decided to ply the clay on a flat surface in sections so I could pinch the pieces together later as opposed to forming one figure that I new I would keep knocking.
pic2 shows the six moulded pieces I came up with.

designing and crafting your own urban vinyl designer toy by veronica grimm

Designing an urban collectable designer toy is easier said than done, if you look back over my blogs you will see I have touched on this idea many times. Scratch building customizing painting, so far not in my mind very successfully.
Now I am going to have a go at scratch building again.
On this blog is the finished article.
There are so many new crisp designs coming out that I have just gone ahead and painted my prototype in the same style I paint my art work.
Over the next few blogs is how I made this model.

Friday 5 October 2007

Self Portrait veronica grimm isle of wight lowbrow artist

15 x 15inches acrylic on canvas, self portrait, I am the one with the purple skin and funny bullseye motif.
One of my pokemon and friends series.

Thursday 4 October 2007

lowbrow art rendition pokemon by veronica grimm

Found driftwood and board washed up against cliff at Culver, Sandown, Isle of Wight now masterfully hammered together and used as base for this lowbrow painting of a pokemon character who I have no idea whats his name.
Spray paint and acrylic.

Lowbrow artist veronica grimm: Pokemon heaven

Pokemon cuddles snuffs it, then gets stuffed into bin bag!
As life drains out of the poor plush a hint of its presence can be seen in your peripheral vision as it floats away from its prison before vanishing.
acrylic on canvas 10 x 12 inches

Wednesday 3 October 2007

lowbrow art:Ninja bot attack by isle of wight artist veronica grim

From nowwhere ninja bots swoop down attacking there adversaries.
60inches X 45inches driftwood and board found on Sandown beach, painted in mixed media spay and acrylic paint.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Ripped Out Brains by Isle of wight artist veronica grimm

My brains have turned to mush. Picture based on the Vinyl model I made in the summer.
Acrylic on board. title: ripped out brains.

Tuesday 25 September 2007

Screamers by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Screamers await the new arrivals, as the cavern fills up a new fear sweeps across their faces, what will happen to us when the quota is fullfilled!

Hoodies get transported by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

With a blink of an eye the servitors start collecting. Little miss evil has noticed however that the verbally abusive hoodie may be of more valuble use. As his panic has grown so has the bulge in his trousers.
Missy Evil grins, " I must say as a screamer you would have been of financial use but as a 'Well Hung' you forfeit that right and become my personal property!!!!"

Friday 21 September 2007

Ugly is what ugly does by Isle of Wight Artist veronica grim

"Well now boys ugly is what ugly does."
Little missy Evil paws her com-pad, initiation protocoles fall into place.
A wide grin expands across her face distorting her features into an even more repugnant pose.

Is little missy evil in trouble by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Man pulls out knife.
"No looks like she needs proper surgery."

Hoodies turn to menace by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Dark Alley, Missy Evil checks compad. Sad Robot hovers over her shoulder,whispers, "20metres,end of alley group of potentials, drug deal going down."
Little Miss Evil gives signal for camouflage mode. Sad Robot pops out of existence.
Missy Evil saunters up towards the end of the alley.
"Hi guys whats up".
Three hoodies spin around, knives and guns are menacingly brought into the open.
"Fuck me this ones ugly". "What does ugly want, some make yourself pretty prescription pills".

Thursday 20 September 2007

Missy evil wakes up after night of debutchery by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Burr Burrr Burrrr. Little missy evil wakes up after a night of debutchery her com link vibrating inside her cranium space.
" speak message", around her lays the remains of a Well Hung who failed to satisfy!!!
"message reads". Activate. Code priority level six, potential screamers located street corner 5/8, Rosevelt, New NEW YORK, Earth world 2257. "Initiate Immeadiately."
"Yeah yeah initiating with haste . Code Missy"

Little Missy Evil and Sad Robot by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

First showing of Little Missy Evil and Sad Robot, together they roam wild and free administering their own brand of justice whilst in the employ of the Diablo Caste.
Some of the images will be disturbing in this collection and some will be down right unforgiving.
You have been warned!!!!
Acrylic and ink on box canvas, 20 x 20 inches

Wednesday 19 September 2007

collector of screamers by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Screamers have to be transported to
Missy Evil's domain, this is achieved via servators that have built in void spaces.
They arrive just after Missy Evil has turned the poor human wretch into a screamer, pack her into the allocated space then transport her back.
All screamers are allocated a cavern (sound proofed accordingly) and a specific count is made monthly.
The dominant caste at the end of each month will be given prized contriband to establish their position within the caste system.
Acrylic on canvas 10 x 14 inches.

Monday 17 September 2007

visual free art by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

open Spaces art events on a very small scale placed where people least expect them.
Here I have placed a couple of sculptures around a drain cover in a very quiet street in Sandown Isle of Wight.
I am soon to be presenting a couple of radio shows and will incorporate my free open spaces art events in the shows.
I hope to promote larger shows in the future but this will depend on how much interest I generate over the radio.
Blow your brains out sculpture approx 3inches tall, resin construct from original super sculpey sculpt.

Wednesday 12 September 2007

Anorexia Angels by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

A new breed of Angel is evolving. For millions of years angels have been slightly plump cute looking things with time on their side and little wings.
With the upsurge of eating disorders many would be angels are arriving with limiting weight to size dimensions.
It takes upward of two stone of energy to transform a human into an angel and this tends to come from natural body fat, without this excess angels are now little more than wings with eyes.
These three wraiths are awaiting their transformation.
Layers of thick acrylic paint in impasto style on board framed in locally found driftwood.
Size: 56 x 44inches

Monday 10 September 2007

Unhappy by isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

The RED i syndrome, burning the candle at both ends, disasterous episodial attacks on the central chemical and electrical pulses, this in turn increases perceptual disorders.
The external world becomes even more remote.
Still if I can get hold of just a little bit more alcohol I can really ravage what is left of my sensory apparatus???
Unhappy: 24 x 36 inches acrylic on canvas.

Sunday 9 September 2007

Incoming Storm By Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

I had my forth Impressionistic show in late August at Bembridge on the Isle of Wight this consisted totally of seascapes painted on board/canvas and when framed, in locally found driftwood, of the fifteen pictures represented I sold eleven which is not bad for a weekend show.
This is a new acrylic on canvas I have been working on from the new series, another fifteen to be shown at a yet to be arranged venue and date.
Acrylic on canvas 30 x 40 inches.

Wednesday 5 September 2007

low brow art by isle of wight artist veronica grimm: Screamer

Screamer #1 left on wall of disused/discarded now boarded up cafe, Sandown seafront. September 5 , 2007.
Could not take a picture, too dark with people strolling by, decided just to quickly hammer it up!
Went by later in day and picture had gone.
A screamer is a generally unhappy chappy who hates the squallor around it and tends to try and brighten up any dark miserable spaces.
Acrylic and spray paint on canvas 10 x 14inches