Saturday 28 May 2011

ryde council consign new artwork by artist tony trowbridge to be painted over

banksy trowbridge ryde youth centre isle of wight council bigots ryde youth centre.. spray paint 18foot x 12foot ... back of stage in main hall.. started at around 8.30am surprizingly finished at 12.30.. saturday 28th may 2011.. great chance at very short notice to do a large throw up.. went down really well with everyone attenting the skateboard park appeal and in conjunction with save our youth centre which is destined with closure by the council.. unfortunately did not go down well with the actual people who count and whos jobs i was helping toooooo save ... they said and i quote this type of artwork is not in keeping with a youth centre on the isle of wight and as such will be painted over before the commencement of the ryde youth centre opening on tuesday... no discussion my word is final it must go... blah blah blah.. this council got rid of the banksy we will not be keeping a trowbridge blah blah blah.. i got the gist of the message... the fact i was doing this to help save the youth centre seemed to go right over their heads.. still at least i got to paint a good large pic which is what it's all about at the end of the day.. ... all i can say is i am glad the official council bod who did not arrive until late afternoon to view his opinions... if he had arrived in the morning i would have been sent packing and this pic would never have been completed.. done in four up for 24 even the banksy stayed up for longer on this so far sighted island of council tw..s......

eyeball by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol graffiti spray paint and marker on wood board 34x40inches

Friday 27 May 2011

chums by artist tony trowbridge

gallery aerosol spray paint,, marker, lenticular perspex, and mixed media on canvas 20x20inches

good health by artist tony trowbridge

spray paint graffiti spray paint gaffer tape and marker on canvas 16x16inches

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on sklateboard

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint on skateboard

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art

spray paint and marker on skateboard

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art

spray paint and marker on skateboard

biro doodle by artist tony trowbridge

biro doodle tony trowbridge

biro on paper

biro doodle by artist tony trowbridge

gallery biro tony trowbridge biro on paper

biro doodle by artist tony trowbridge

biro modern art doodle biro on paper

Tuesday 24 May 2011

augmented by artist tony trowbridge

augmented female aerosol

spray paint and marker on lenticular perspex and canvas 12x12inches

ugly mug by artist tony trowbridge

spraycan artist urban

spray paint and marker on canvas 10x10inches

tony can't draw proper by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol tonytrowbridge rose spray paint, acrylic and marker on box canvas 16x16inches

dead deck 5 by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art

spray paint and marker pen on skateboard 16x8inches

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on skateboard 16x8inches

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on skateboard 16x8inches

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on skateboard 16x8inches

dead deck by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on skateboard 16x8inches

Monday 23 May 2011

self taught.. tony can't draw proper

aeropsol modern art 1thousand paintings that will not take your breath away.. all hand drawn musings from tony's muddled brainbox.. encompassing pencil, spray paint and marker pen.. he has over saturated each and everyone of them.
There is so much colour and confusion in his works it is hard for me to see what message they are sending if any..
I would say this type of crass art typical of a self taught artist has no place in today's art galleries and art institutions.. we should all grow tighter together and weed out these type of pseudo artists, without formal training how can people like tony trowbridge ever expect galleries to except his works.
what appears to be even worse is his disregard for the materials he paints on .. everything is found even the canvases are procured from charity shops.. advertising hoardings and wood all come from skips.. if the material he paints on is not of the highest quality stretched canvas his paintings must be a reflection of that..
as an art critic with many years in the profession it is my duty to to say what is and what is not art..tony trowbridge should either spend the next ten years educating himself getting the qualifications being mentored and shown the correct procedures to being a success in the art world or he should keep his bedroom door shut and stop uploading his idea of art on to the unsuspecting public.


keep calm by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol coffee for the ugly mug coffee shop in shanklin.. a thankyou for all my coffees and free book..

Friday 20 May 2011

Saturday 7 May 2011

skateboard by artist tony trowbridge

skateboard art spray paint and marker on board 18x8inches

cone critter 2 by artist tony trowbridge

traffic cone art aerosol

spray paint and marker on traffic cone 18x42inches

bubble bot by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol marker spray paint and marker on lenticular perspex and canvas 16x16inches

i once was a soldier by artist tony trowbridge

army free stuff spray paint and marker on leticular perspex and canvas 21x21inches

up the duff by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol modern art spray paint and marker on canvas 20x15inches

cone base by artist tony trowbridge

traffic cone art aerosol

spray paint and marker

cone base by artist tony trowbridge

aerosol traffic cone art spray paint and marker

cone base by artist tony trowbridge

modern art traffic cone art

spray paint and marker on cone base

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free stuff free art london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free stuff free art

london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free stuff art london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london may 2011

free art by artist tony trowbridge

free art

london may 2011