Sunday 30 August 2009

fiona running into the sea by artist tony trowbridge

Aaugust 2009 cloudy yet warm and sunny all at the same time with rain on the horizon. i got fiona to freeze run as i sketched, this is the final spraycan pic on canvas 28x20inches.
unfortunately fiona got very cold, oh well someone has to suffer for my art.

rainy ryde pier by artist tony trowbridge

60x40inches on wood panel spraycan art from original pencil sketch.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Monday 24 August 2009

havensteet steam train auction on sat 12 sept 2009

This will be the spraycan painting i have completed for the forthcoming steam train enthusiasts auction of memorabilia they asked if i would put a pic in. Size: 24x36inches on box canvas.
havenstreet steam railway on the isle of wight, its heritage weekend and going is free.
tony trowbridge

my first new car was a 2CV by artist tony trowbridge

8x8inches on box canvas spraycan art. My first brand new car was a 2CV D reg i loved that car.
tony trowbridge

Sunday 23 August 2009