Wednesday 23 July 2008

Finished stencil by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge

Now in the proud possession of my mum and she is very discerning not giving my work any air time, believes I should be much more commercial.
24x36inches matt black spray paint on canvas.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

unhappy by isle of wight artist tony trowbridge.

Life study pose trying to emulate the late victorian art for unhappy females this pose I have now sketched out for a stencil after my mum ( who on the whole does not like my work) wanted it transposed onto a canvas, for this I have added art deco type flowers, probably be my next blog.
30x40inches hand stretched natural cotton, acrylic.

Sunday 20 July 2008

Cowes Red Jet Terminal CCTV by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm.

Permanently fixed on the bike racks around the side of the terminal building a well known location for pirates and brigands to congregate and drink rum where contiband is exchanged and future bad things are discussed.
Charcoal, A3 size.

Icon No3 by Isle of Wight Artist Tony Trowbridge

driftwood frame, hand stretched natural cotton on canvas, 21x22inches.
Every artist at one time has a go at painting Jesus, it's tradition.

Icon by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Driftwood frame, hand stretched natural cotton on canvas. 21x22inches.
Mary Magdelen number two.

Thursday 17 July 2008

Frankeinstein by Isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Frank-Einstein. A portrait of a man who only wanted the good from humanity but gave it the real apple as tempation and humanity took it with both hands.
Our Nuclear Winter is here we just cannot see it.
18x24inches driftwood and hand stretched natural cotton in acrylic.

Billy the kidd robot by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Charcoal on A3 paper the robot called Billy the Kidd. Sad Robot's right hand man as they say on Earth.

Spare body parts from babies by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

As your baby comes into the world it's not always very pretty. Why allow this baby to grow up ugly. Now you can buy baby body parts to enhance your babies looks, be the envy of your peers, why have an ugly baby in fashionable clothing , now it can look like posh spice.
19inches tall mixed media beautifully featured head already purchased as is soft skin on hands and feet, alas I feel this may have gone to an older women.

Unique T-Shirt design by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

One off design Spare Body Parts, like in an airfix model kit.
Pluck and choose your needed body part.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Mary Magdalen 1000yrs AD by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

1000 years after the death of her husband, Mary still walks the Earths surface somewhat pissed at events out of her control. Her eternal search looking for closure has left her slightly damaged and resentful of the human race!!!!!!
41x14inches hand stretched natural cotton on recycled board.

Mary magdalen in pious mood by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Caught in the act, giving humanity a sideways glance, whilst not really that interested in goings on.
Icon 21x22inches hand stretched natural cotton in recycled local Sandown beach driftwood frame.

Sunday 13 July 2008

Fat Slug Sculpture by Isle of Wight Artist Tony Trowbridge.

Fat Slug caught on beach sunbathing up against the groines at Sandown . Sunday 13th of July.
Nice sunny day, walking along the waters edge noticed a preponderance of fat slugs mostly old from northern climates that have ventured south and now clutter our beaches with their bellowing.
sculpture 5.5inches tall, based on water worn driftwood.

Mars Attacks by Isle of Wight artist Veronica Grimm

14x10inches hand stretched natural cotton on canvas, acrylic.

Thursday 10 July 2008

Prey by isle of wight Artist Veronica Grimm

In every society there is an abundance of prey.
20x16inches acrylic on hand stretched natural cotton on canvas.

Predator by isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

Lurking in every society, waiting, watching.
30x24inches acrylic on hand stretched natural cotton on canvas.

Billy the Kid robot by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Standing a mere 18inches tall this Robot has been designated billy the kidd after Little missy evil's love of violent westerns. He is on the right hand of Sad Robot and is notorious for singing lullaby's as he dispatches human trash to the catacomb's below Little Missy Evil's lair.
mixed media, acrylic and spray paint.

Lovers by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

East cowes, friday night, down lane opposite chain ferry CCTV. A pair of off duty Traffic wardens get down to it after a record day of penalty ticketing.
These two are ultra competitive and usually have a mutual dislike for each other.
However on this day of records both found themselves heavilly turned on and neither having a partner (for obvious reasons) conjoined!!!!!!
36x24 inches acrylic on hand stretched natuaral cotton.

Sculpture:Little Missy evil on her trusty crocodile by isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

Mixed media sculpture. 20x10inches.
Little Missy Evil on one of her little earthly jaunts hunting down moronic human trash for her little sexual experimentation projects.

Tuesday 8 July 2008

CCTV Brighton by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

I was in Brighton on Friday/Saturady for the opening of a new exhibition of works by local and international artists at the Impure gallery around the South Lanes area.
Tony Trowbridge had one wall downstairs devoted to a collection of cartoon imaged erotic art unfortunately toooo erotic for this blog, a sequence of 13 paintings 16x12inch canvas's of which nine are on show with a futher three of his acrylic nudes from series one collection.
The exhibition is throughout the rest of July and August 2008.
Whilst gallavanting around the brighton nightlife I captured this ominous CCTV camera watching the street from a high vantage point.
20x20inches on washed up Brighton board , stretched natural cotton, Saturday around 06.30 in the morning.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 50, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 49, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by Isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 48, original life study in acrylic mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 47, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 46, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 45, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist tony trowbridge.

Number 44, original life study in acrylic mounted and framed. 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 43, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 42, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed, 6x8inches.

Series Two, 50 original female nude studies by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Number 41, original life study in acrylic, mounted and framed. 6x8inches.

Friday 4 July 2008

1950's firestand artified by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

Fire-stand dated circa 1950 stripped down, repainted frame in distressed white, then added my sketch of a traafic warden strolling in the woods.
Its amazing how I can purchase a piece of history then devalue it just like that!!!!

Thursday 3 July 2008

Sandown CCTV system by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

In the seedy post victorian hey- day Sandown we have a very modern social experiment the CCTV camera, bright and futuristic. They look like sinewy alien attachments hugging the worn looking walls of our town.
Friday and Saturday nights the local youths stagger out of the local nightclub puking, fighting and fornicating.
Staggering up the main street each weekend at least one shop front window is put in.
Are they ever caught....No ... Why not! has all this high tech equipment been put in only for it to be manned during the day to catch car park offenders, surley not????
Acrylic on natural stretched cotton on box canvas 22x22inches.

CCTV roadsign design by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

CCTV painting on roadsign 30x30inches acrylic on natural hand stretched cotton on wooden frame washed up on beach,(total recycling), all I have to do now is find some witty places to leave it for a photo opportunity.

Custom vinyl art toy molly by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

Molly Qee customized.
Gas mask Molly, 3.5inches

Pushed to destruction by Isle of Wight Artist Veronica Grimm

As the servitor opened the door to proceed down the stairs a naughty hand swept out and gave a gentle nudge into it's back sending it carreering down the flight of steps.
The sevitor found it's speech and motor functions were now impaired, unable to move it would be many hours before it's master would awake and demand a hearty breakfast.
The tormented servitor cried.
20x33inches acrylic on hand stretched natural cotton on board.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Redfunnel Car Ferry entering southampton docks by Isle Of Wight Artist Tony Trowbridge.

Southampton, waiting for the Redjet to take me back to the Island. Today it is delayed.
There has been a fatality on board.
I take a stroll to the end of the dock looking for somewhere to sit but alas the only seating is behind some fencing. large signs proclaiming the area is unsafe.
On settling down in a seat I do a quick painting of the Redfunnel car ferry manouvering in for docking.
10x14inches acrylic on canvas.

Cowes CCTV camera No2 by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Another sister camera laying dormant slowly rusting in the nostalgic sea air.
Quick acrylic on small canvas 9.5x7inches painted whilst being jostled by the many boaties on the around the island boat race.

East Cowes CCTV in operation by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Around the island boat race.
I saw this camera, inert, staring out to sea.
14x10inches acrylic on canvas.

Tuesday 1 July 2008

CCTV by isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

In these grim times artist's must paint what they see.
Standing looking in from the sea views I saw yet another sign erected by our delightful council, people crowded past some taking a peek at what I was painting after all I was facing the wrong way.
Acrylic on hand stretched natural linen on board. 6x9.5inches.

Myxie portrait by isle of wight artist Veronica Grimm

Cute, cuddly but MYXIE. Concept painting in acrylic of my potential new globally selling plush art toy, I can see you all now rushing to buy this must have very limited edition addition to your vinyl/plush art toy collection.
14x10inches acrylic on canvas.

charcoal life drawing by isle of wight artist tony trowbridge.

a3 charcoal on cartridge paper.

Charcoal life study by isle of wight artist Tony Trowbridge.

a3 charcoal life study on cartridge paper.