Tuesday 29 April 2008

It's a grimm world. I would prefer to chew gum by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Canvas. wood. acrylic .14x 10 inches.
In a world too grimm to comprehend bubble gum pink can come to the rescue and brighten up that morbidly depressing day.

Friday 25 April 2008

Machu Picchu on location painting.

Friday 11th April arrived at Aguass Calientes (Hot Springs) a small remote jungle village at the foot of Machu Picchu. As you look up into the mountains you wonder how anyone could possibly climb these monoliths let alone build a city up there.
We caught a local bus up to the mountain citadel of Machu Picchu, very steep incline not for those with a sense of impending doom.
The lost city is one of the most renowned examples of Inca architecture surrounded by lush cloud forest only recently discovered in 1911 by the American explorer Hiram Bingham.
Unfortunately we had travelled up too fast and I was suffering from altitude sickness, it was all I could do to sit down on a inca protruding rock and record the view with this quick sketch before I descended back to the village and fell into a stuper for the next 48hours as my body tried to acclimatize.
Pencil, acrylic on board, 6x8inches.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

On site painting of Ranthambore national park enclosure at Tiger Island isle of wight zoo

22nd april 2008, Sporodic bright sun and showers, I had hoped the showers would hold off but every now and then I had to take cover against a fence with all my paints and painting board.
apart from that it was an enjoyable afternoon of painting, this enclosure I painted from a picnic bench.
Acrylic on wood board, approx 42x 26 inches a large painting but I wanted to get the feel of the size and complexity of the enclosure and a small canvas I felt just would have not done it justice.

Sunday 20 April 2008

Live pencil and painted study of isle of wight tiger Diamond

Afternoon of 5th April 2008, pencil studies of the male tiger in the Ranthambore national park enclosure at the isle of wight .
Subsequent painting in acrylic on very deep box canvas 20x20 inches.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Monochrome life study female nude

24x36inches mixed media on canvas painted with a thick brush from life, model posed for approx ten minutes.
Loose styalized style.

cavern entrance rune symbols by isle of wight artist veronica grimm low brow art

Grumbly Grimm 's entrance to caverns.
acrylic and spray paint on old ships timber.

Low brow art cavern entrance runes by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Cavern entrances and tunnel trunk routes are colour coded and rune pictures endorse the position of the traveller.
5x5inch on wood board, acrylic and spay paint.

Little missy evil's cavern schematics by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Mapping the cavern's below little missy evils empire can be a devilly dangerous job, critters of all types hideaway in the deep dark recesses not just the screamers that are stored in there.
5x5inch wood board, acrylic and spray paint

Urban Art Internal cat controller by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Mixed media, cut wood, canvas and acrylic paint.

Friday 4 April 2008

On site painting and sketches of indian tiger Sultan at the isle of wight zoo

Several Pencil sketches were made to get the right composition for the canvas painting all completed on location at the zoo.
Sultan is one of three tigers that get rotated into this enclosure, it is down the back side area' ish where very few people get, along one side there is a fence to prop up all my materials and it is very tranquill. Sultan spent all his time sun bathing, it was a very bright day and he systematically moved around his platform.
Painting completed approx 4hours over two afternoons. acrylic on canvas 24x36inches.

urban vinyl in wood Sad Robot by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

sad robot the collector of screamers ponders a moment on his existence, electrolytes leak unceremoniously from his eyes.
He has a grimm job in a grimm life and he wishes he was not in this grimm story.
acrylic cut wood on canvas. 14x 10 inches.

Thursday 3 April 2008

Low brow art grumbly grimm's little adventure by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Moving through the void of a beautiful brain this grumbly grimm has stolen a prized red blood cell from the fleet of little missy evil.
A risky business, if caught he will surely forfeit his life.
Acrylic, cut wood on canvas, 14 x 10 inches

Tuesday 1 April 2008

original triptych of paintings of Chiquita the isle of wight zoo's female jaguar

Three paintings completed in acrylic on canvas's 24x36 inches. time taken 21st March to 31st March 2008.
21st March 2008, afternoon study of Chiquita, female jaguar. I have made several exploratory sketches of Chiquita but on this day a female blackbird had got into her enclosure and although she was feigning sleep she undoubtedly was alert to the birds presence.
The blackbird had somehow got in and now could no longer find a way out, she flew around and around the top of the enclosure chirping to her mate for help (I guess).
She landed on the ground for a well deserved rest and to have a good look at her predicament, "just where did I come in".

Chiquita set off at a pounding pace, half the enclosure covered in less than a second, landing perfectly on the spot the blackbird had just vacated.
chiquita ran after the now in flight bird for another few seconds, realising she had lost the initiative Chiquita mooched over to her trusty log and set about killing it.
It was at this point I started sketching.
The next day I went down and had a look around the enclosure. No feathers, It looks like the female blackbird lived to enjoy another day.