Thursday 31 January 2008

Life Studies week one by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Newport, Isle of Wight, 30th January 2008.
start of six week life study group, 2hours per evening session 6:30 to 8:30.
Last night we had a young female model who posed twice, holding each pose for approximately one hour.
The first pose was prone on the floor, for this pose I chose A4 canvas paper and painted her with acrylic paint and bristle brushes, the time limit of one hour made this attempt quite demanding, I finished on time but found myself painting at a much faster rate than I normally do.
The second pose I chose to capture the shadows with a graphite stick on thin paper 36 x 24 inches.
Moving from small compact to large and loose again was quite demanding and it took me a while to come to terms with the composition especially at first trying to get the whole figure on the paper, I kept making the head to big.
Next week it will be a male so I have been told.

Sunday 27 January 2008

Grumbly Grimm by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Hand crafted completely from recyclables, even the sowing material was found on the beach, the wood certificate I saved from a skip.
Grumbly Grimms live in the gutter of humanity, they are the adverse product of everything cute and cuddly.
The grimm reality of life should show through now in our cuddly disposable toy's (do you not think so?)

Thursday 24 January 2008

Thursday 17 January 2008

Grumbly Grimm discarded as rubbish by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

7 inches long, recyced material, eco friendly, but oh so unhappy, this Grumbly Grimm is a veritable host of mis-placed emotion.
Having eaten the pet dog and caught salivating over the kids leg this Grumbly Grimm has been abandoned on the foreshore, cold rock to her back and weird swishing sounds all around?
To frightened to move her button eyes swivel left then right.

Friday 11 January 2008

Ice-Bot custom by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

I will hack, bodge, rip, tie, sew, (You want pain). Then call on Dr Ice-Bot.......
Master Surgeon...NHS Affiliated.
Spray paint, acrylic and pen.

Wednesday 9 January 2008

A Grumbly Grimm by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

At 20 inches tall this grumbly grimm is sure ugly, made by hand (obviously a hand that does not sew very often)
from recycled materials.

Tuesday 8 January 2008

ice-bot custom by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Deep in the sub prime district of antarctica ice-bots a slumber, wrapped in crisp newly laid virgin snow.

carved chert, ice-bot, spray paint, ink pen.