Tuesday 20 November 2007

sad Tin Robot by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Swinging lonely as a cloud, Sad Tin waits forlornly for a mate.
Acrylic and spray paint on monet print found in skip.
24 x 30inches

Thursday 15 November 2007

Grimms tortured critters by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

winding on a downwards arc the gloom momentarily sparkles with dust motes reflecting yellow incandecence, ignored warning signs hamper your progress.
To your front tortured critters dangle, out of the dark you make out eyeball snatcher birdies ripping the life-wool from a critter.
What do you do?
30inches x 18inches acrylic on board in driftwood surround.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Eyeball bird makes off with lunch by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

In the caverns of Little missy evil dwells the eyeball birdie, a fast precocious light, nimble footed, scavenger, predator, always on the look out for a free meal.
Tonight is his lucky night, whilst skirting around a bend in the tunnel complex he meets a tortured critter and promply nicks an eyeball.
Acrylic on driftwood approx 24 x 18inches

Stalking Cat by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

stalking cat gives away its position and makes desperate sprint at prey bird.
The little eyeball bird makes its get away chirping and chattering anti cat insults as it easilly evades capture.
10 x 14 inches acrylic on canvas.

Thursday 8 November 2007

Sad Robot, No hope for Freedom by Isle of Wight Artist veronica Grimm

Little missy evil at the controls of her Sad Robot, each lever controls key areas of Sads pseudobiological brain network.
Instant commands, preprogrammed responses and neuralogical electro-chemical shock treatments keep Sad in check.
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 36 inches

Wednesday 7 November 2007

Tuesday 6 November 2007

global warming nightmare 30 seconds to go by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Little Missy Evil's Evil Plan.
"Ozone layer impact time 30 seconds".
"Oh the future is going to be so hot and fragrant ".purrs little missy evil.
With the O2 and O3 molecules forever breaking up and re forming, the ozone layer is in continuous flux.
Little missy evil's evil plan is to disrupt this harmony once and for all and spiral the planet into a true global warming nightmare.
Her aerosol attack cans fire into the atmosphere, their bodies bloated, their ninja general interfaces trembling with anticipation!!!!!
Sculpts and paintings mixed media, acrylic paint, reclaimed beach woods and used cans.

Monday 5 November 2007

Little missy evils evil plan by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Little missy evil and sad robot make their way across their domain surrounded by there faithfull Twirls and Stings, In blind panic Screamers and captured Plush's squirm for cover.
Little missy evil is about to hatch her evil plan and is making her way to the Aerosol can silo's.
Finished and awaiting her orders the Cans struggle with their restraints, trembling with anticipation, their payloads bloating their metal bodies!!!!!!
Acrylic on canvas 24 x 36inches

Friday 2 November 2007

Reclaimed teddy by isle of wight artist veronica grimm

Along the far end of Sandown lies Culver Cliff around a mile and half from the pier,
It is at this location in the fallen rock debris that you can find 100 million year old ammonites, but because Sandown beach is also a storm beach, washed and caught up in the boulders you can find some interesting potential arty things!!!
On this day I found a bedraggled teddy bear and a seal bone, with a little ingenuity I put the two together and revamped the teddy. Then as you do I made a conceptual painting, 8 x 6 inches acrylic on canvas. Teddy approx 10 inches tall. again painted in acrylic.