Friday 30 March 2007

Vampirella's internal struggle, we all keep an inner self hidden from the world, this protects us and keeps us sane. Vampirella's
need for blood lust is contained but simmers.
Unfortunately Vampirella has just got a job in one of the many retirement homes on the Isle of Wight. Veronica Grimm has been having trouble keeping up with the demand on her time and has decided to recruit some experienced help.
She hears fifty percent of the Isle of Wight are on benefits, that's why the other fifty are paying so much in taxes, and are so stressed and stretched.
The death toll on both sides is escalating!

Thursday 29 March 2007

My Girl Friend is a Ninja.
Its a fact, each night she goes out and saves the World against unsavoury characters.

Tank Girl, acrylic on canvas 24inch x 36inch. She is used to desert conditions and periods of time when water and food are scarce, a true super heroine and friend of Veronica Grimm. Tank Girl posed for this painting just long enough to capture her likeness before she was forced to rush off and apprehend a gaggle of estate agents. Her intention, to sell them to some unscrupulous house owners who will eventually force them to do proper jobs.

Wednesday 28 March 2007

Arachnid bondage treat. How would you react if you could not move and a genetically altered red back descended towards your face with its venom sacks bloated?
The Isle of Wight suffers a higher percentage of alien spider incursions than the mainland due to the direction of the trade winds that descend upon the island releasing their captive fauna that have been swept up by the storms over the African plains.

Tuesday 27 March 2007

Vampirella, what can you say, I was brought up on her, when other kids were getting the Dandy my Nan would bring around Vampirella, she had relatives in the US. At that time I could not read but the pictures were great and have obviously influenced me. I have completed numerous sketches over the years going all the way back to my first vampi comic, it was probably the first influence on my drawing style.

Isle of wight artist's latest arrival completed 24-26 March 2007, I like the idea of space babes conquering the unknown.

Laura Croft undressed and ready for action. 30 inches x 40 inches acrylic on canvas.
what else is there to do on the Isle of Wight but conjour up pretty naked women.

Monday 26 March 2007

Cat portrait of my feline friend. Captured on canvas 24 inch x 36 inch in acrylics. She posed just long enough for a quick sketch, this is her inner being, in real life she is a pampered persian.

The Isle of Wight is a great place to live, nice weather, plenty of walks, beaches, etc. I produced this picture over a couple of very nice March days, sketched the idea out when I was in Joe's in Ryde over a nice latte then went over to Sandown and brought it to life on canvas. No beach babes for me, space lady with a fifties bent.
Acrylic on canvas 36inches x 24inches

Sunday 25 March 2007

"Used up Erection", 30inches x 40inches acrylic on box canvas.
Veronica Grimm's own powers cannot come up to the rigid standards of some women that walk this earth.

Saturday 24 March 2007

'Owl the Night Demon' A concept picture that I am working on at the moment. This is my studio space, a corner of the room with plenty of light and lots of arm freedom to splatter about. I work out of a shop premises in Sandown on the Isle of Wight. Initially I was looking for a proper studio but alas that type of space does not exist around here, so when this lock up shop came on the market in 2001 I bought it. I wanted to convert it into an art Gallery but there is no demand here, so I just opened it up and started working. I do get some passing trade but not much, not enough really to support me. To make ends meet I go down to my local beach and search for dinosaur fossils which I sell to local collectors.

Friday 23 March 2007

Prescilla Presley as the Martian girl, all those fake boobs and hair, it's a straight copy from the DVD cover onto canvas in acrylic 14inches x 10inches. I just liked the scene, it hangs in my studio space, I believe in a working environment that is especially arty and covered in inspirational clutter. I liked the comic book art effect and it is in tune with the kind of work I enjoy doing.

Bondage in art. I have always found this alluring, a lot of artists work on this theme. I was trying to capture the feeling of trepidation, like this is the first time and am I going to enjoy it or not? A quick sketch in acrylic on canvas 14inches x 10inches

Thursday 22 March 2007

Veronica grimm in disguise, her red eyes cannot be hidden. Always avoid red eyed women. One of them may be trying to take you to your maker, and no one wants that do they!!!.
Acrylic on box canvas 30inch x 40inch.
A veronica Grimm self Portrait.

Veronica Grimm's first concept urban vinyl toy design titled: Tubebot #1 Vincent. Inspired by pop art, 'Pulp Fiction' and the urban vinyl toy scene. Scratchbuilt hand designed and painted in acrylic, simple I know but I enjoyed designing it.
I subscribe to Clutter magazine and I must say there's an awful lot of talent out there but I do not feel this should put me off, instead I feel, there's a whole different area of art I have not tapped into.

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Iguanodon Dinosaur femur found at Sandown on the Isle of Wight. Great I hear you say, yes but unfotunately on the day in question I was on the beach about to paint a sea scene. I had huddled down out of the wind and was scanning the ocean when, behind me there was an almighty thud as a large part of the cliff collapsed. I went over to have a look and there in front of me was a large chunk of bone, it did not take me long to find the other pieces. Here I was totally unprepared, I jogged home (about a mile) collected the car and a trolley and made my way back to the beach. Now then, if you have never found a bone this large before, it is truly heavy. It took me 2 hours to drag it 300 metres back to the car. Each trip, 4 altogether, I was getting more and more exhausted. On the last trip I was forced to rest every 10 metres, by now a large group of doggy walkers had accumulated, staring, waiting to see if I was about to have a heart attack. As you can guess no one offered to assit.
I got it back to my studio, it is 5 foot odd long weighs a tonne and is taking up precious space. What do I do now? I can clean it up and put it on display or I can sell it on for a finders fee £750.00.
Large Iguanodon femurs are a rare find indeed. The Isle of Wight is one of a very select few locations where bones of this magnitude can be found. I hope my next find will be a lot smaller if only for my back's sake.
Dinosaur bones from the Isle of Wight are dated to the Cretaceous Period 120 million years ago.

As soon as I had drawn this picture I realised the focal point was the boobs, should I of changed it or not? Nah, it's apparent wonder babe is bound to be well endowed, so I stuck with it. I liked the way the picture came out
Acrylic on Canvas 36inch x 24inch

Tuesday 20 March 2007

A Plush that I felt needed customizing, it was too cute, the kind of thing an Isle of Wight driver would have on their dash eeeeeek! All I have done is place the plush in a dark corner of the room and opened a small box of tyranids. Two days later I have a breeding program under way!!!!
Why? you may ask.
STOP PRESS: Alien models reek havoc in Toy Story Horror.

Monday 19 March 2007

Unfortunately I cannot be seen in photograghs or mirrors come to that. However, I am not a vampire but I do have certain vampire characteristics. As the daughter of the Grimm Reeper I will one day have to go into the family business but that is not today and that is why I have posted my self portrait. At some time in the future mine will be the last face anyone will see, an exciting prospect.

acrylic on canvas 36inch x 24inch

Vampirella has been a good friend to me and inspiration. As such I have drawn and painted her on numerous occasions, she will appear many more times in my blogs, these being my first entries I shall keep them short with the kind of art work and fossiking Iam doing at the present time.