Monday 8 October 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet.. two good days and the nightingale hotel is finished

Thursday 27 September 2018

tonytrowbridge is notdeadyet freeartfriday ..davidbowie spraypaint on recycled vinyl records nailed to wood panel..david bowie's Drive in Saturday was the first 45 vinyl i bought and his music always brings back great least one friday each month is freeartfriday and i leave a piece of art out for anyone to collect..this month it's in sandown..

tonytrowbridge is notdeadyet freeartfriday ..davidbowie spraypaint on recycled vinyl records nailed to wood panel..david bowie's Drive in Saturday was the first 45 vinyl i bought and his music always brings back great least one friday each month is freeartfriday and i leave a piece of art out for anyone to collect..this month it's in sandown..

Sunday 2 September 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet....road art drop off excursion..ive put together 20 odd paintings and where ever i go ill leave some for people to stumble over and collect if they want..the locations and pics of the art will go on my instagram as i travel about..

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet....road art drop off excursion..ive put together 20 odd paintings and where ever i go ill leave some for people to stumble over and collect if they want..the locations and pics of the art will go on my instagram as i travel about..

Saturday 25 August 2018

Friday 24 August 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet spraypaint and oils on recycled card pinned to studio floor...venom on the prowl.will hollie survive as she studiously rips the head off a venom toy..

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet spraypaint and oils on recycled card pinned to studio floor...venom on the prowl.will hollie survive as she studiously rips the head off a venom toy..

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Sunday 12 August 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet..a representative of St Mungos charity for the homeless down enjoying the ventnor fringe picks up an original notdeadyet for a charity event later this month in london...:) St.Mungo's

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet..a representative of St Mungos charity for the homeless down enjoying the ventnor fringe picks up an original notdeadyet for a charity event later this month in london...:) St.Mungo's

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Tuesday 31 July 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet..early beautiful start at wightwater in sandown bay .. our premier watersports centre..glamming up the beach changing rooms.with Kian Forster and the team

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet..early beautiful start at wightwater in sandown bay .. our premier watersports centre..glamming up the beach changing rooms.with Kian Forster and the team

Friday 27 July 2018

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet shanklin isleofwight fossil #arttrail

tonytrowbridge is not dead yet shanklin isleofwight fossil #arttrail always wondered why so many fossil dinosaur remains have been found in sandown bay but no eggs or eggshell..